ProZorro.Sales. Small privatization
14 September, 2020
Material created with the support of National Electronic Exchange
ProZorro.Sales — electronic two-tier trading system, a platform in which the sale of state and municipal property. The system provides the opportunity to purchase such assets in electronic auctions to anyone who meets the requirements for an online auction, from anywhere in the world.
The system has two levels — a central database (level 1) and connected to it electronic trading platforms (level 2). The system is administed by the State Enterprise Prozorro.Sales, and about 40 more electronic platforms are connected to the system together with the National Electronic Exchange. Electronic platforms offer prompt, timely and high-quality service for access to the electronic system, full support during electronic auctions for successful sales and victories.
Small-scale privatization is the sale of assets of enterprises, their shares in state or communal ownership, worth up to UAH 250 million. This gives entrepreneurs a unique opportunity to acquire and renovate old state and municipal enterprises, their assets, by purchasing exclusive lots in the trading system.
The sale of such assets at electronic auctions is regulated by the Law of Ukraine "On Privatization of State and Municipal Property" № 2269-VIII from 18.01.2018 the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 432 from 10.05.2018 "On approval of the Procedure for electronic auctions for the sale of small privatization objects and determination of additional conditions of sale".
Auction participants must meet the requirements of Art. 8 of the Law and provide supporting documents. It is very important to comply with the requirements for participants, as this minimizes the risk of disqualification and loss of the guarantee fee. Currently, citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as newly established enterprises, which at the time of the auction do not have submitted financial statements for the relevant quarter or year, cannot participate in the auctions.
To participate in the auction, you must submit the required documents and pay the required warranty and registration fees, as well as read the information announcement about the sale of the lot in the system. Such announcement may contain additional conditions or criteria for participants (restrictions on use, conditions for saving the profile, etc.).
What should a participant in the auction for the sale of small privatization lots remember:
- three working days are allotted for signing the protocol in the system from the day following the day of its formation in the electronic system;
- 30 calendar days are provided for signing the contract from the day following the day of formation of the protocol on the results of the auction;
- payment for the lot is made by the participants within 30 days, in case of non-compliance with such a term, a penalty is charged;
- if the winner refuses to sign the protocol or contract, as well as in case of disqualification, the guarantee fee is not refundable;
- for electronic auctions the operator's fee is paid within three working days from the date of publication of the contract of sale of the lot.